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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Give Your Partner a Compliment

You don't have to pay a penny in giving a compliment but you'll surely agree that it is a beautiful thing! :) It has the ability to make our hearts shine from the inside. In addition to letting us know we're on the right track with something, it also communicates that someone noticed. This can be very encouraging, especially when given by our partner.

Now, how should you start giving compliments to your partner? Well, the only key to giving a compliment is by showing appreciation, even on simple things. You should always find ways to take a few minutes to notice what your partner is doing right and let them know. Here's how to do that...

The Daily Task

Look for one thing each day that your partner has done or handled well. Make sure to make a comment on it. For example, "I noticed how well our son works with you doing his homework. Nice job!" or "You really do a great job helping with the outside chores. I really appreciate the extra effort you give."

Your Weekly Tasks

Take note of a few routine cycles your partner does throughout the week. Leave a note where they would usually do the task telling them how well they do it.

Each day make some comment on their appearance or how you feel about them. For example, "You look great today." "That cologne smells wonderful." "You're sexy!"

If you have time, write them a letter or a note inside of a card sharing the things you appreciate and feel lucky for. Mail it or leave it in a spot they will find and can be read privately.

1 comment:

TOMAS said...

What a great post! I would say that is the hymn to "Thank You!"
The above shapes our character and opens all the doors before us.